You have questions? Mum has answers!


Why did you start Messages From Mum?

I started this website and this endeavor because…I saw a need in young people.  There are so many who don’t have a mum or an auntie or another woman to seek advice from.  Sometimes you just want to talk to your mum.  I am fortunate that I can still but I have had so many come through my life who, for all sorts of reasons, cannot.  I’ve had young people whose mum had passed away or was in prison or simply walked out.  Then you have the ones who kicked their child out for their child’s sexual orientation.  So here I am, open arms, willing to listen and give advice in all areas of life.  Mum loves you.

Why do people call you Mum?

People call me Mum because…my students. They started calling me mom at school. I was the teacher they could talk to. I would give advice and it may not be what they wanted to hear but it was what they needed to hear. I have been in the middle of a lesson and there is a knock at the door and it is a student barely keeping it together. I get the class doing work and step in the hall and let that student cry and talk. That’s what we need sometimes, isn’t it? To have someone there so we can cry and talk. Some say tears are a sign of weakness, it is simply a sign that we have been strong too long.